“Middle Tech: Software Work and the Culture of Good Enough” with Professor Paula Bialski

Middle Tech on Bridging the Gaps

Contrary to the widespread belief that all technology is sleek, flawless, and cutting-edge, much of it isn’t designed to meet such high standards or be revolutionary. In many environments, the goal isn’t always to create perfect, futuristic products. Instead, the focus is often on functionality—producing tech that is good enough to meet immediate needs without striving for perfection. This mindset contrasts with the image of the tech world as a space of constant innovation, where every new development is expected to disrupt industries and change lives. Instead, in many cases, the aim is to simply keep things running smoothly, making sure the technology works well enough to get by, while knowing that it will likely be improved or replaced in the next version. In her book “Middle Tech: Software Work and the Culture of Good Enough” Professor Paula Bialski explores this idea through an ethnographic study of software developers working at a corporate tech company. In this episode of Bridging the Gaps, I speak with Professor Paula Bialski.

Paula Bialski is associate professor of digital sociology at the University of St. Gallen in St. Gallen, Switzerland.

We begin our discussion by exploring why Paula chose to conduct her study at a mid-sized software development company, rather than focusing on the world’s top tech firms with their sleek offices and cutting-edge facilities. This choice allowed her to investigate a more grounded and realistic aspect of the tech industry. From there, we dive into how she conducted her research—how she embedded herself with the developers and built rapport to understand their day-to-day work and culture.

A major focus of our conversation is the concept of “good enoughness” in corporate software development. Paula explains how this mindset shapes the way tech workers approach their tasks, balancing functionality and time constraints over perfection. I ask her if “good enough” can sometimes become a way to avoid striving for excellence, or even an excuse for sloppiness, which leads us to a broader conversation about how developers navigate this balance.

We also discuss the challenges software engineers face at work, such as dealing with outdated systems, tight deadlines, and corporate expectations, and how these challenges compare to those in other professions. We also touch upon the challenges they face in their personal space. Paula gives insight into how the fast-paced culture of the tech world, where professionals often move quickly from one job to the next, influences the work environment.

Finally, we briefly touch on Paula’s upcoming project, which will examine the impact of AI on software development—a topic that promises to provide new insights into how technology will continue to shape this field. It has been a fascinating conversation that sheds light on a side of the tech industry not often discussed.

Complement this discussion with “The AI Playbook: Mastering the Rare Art of Machine Learning Deployment” with Eric Siegel. And then listen to Augmented Thinking: The New Convergence of Art, Technology, and Science with Professor Julio Ottino

By |October 6th, 2024|Computer Science, Social Science, Technology|

“From Pessimism to Promise: Lessons from the Global South on Designing Inclusive Tech” with Professor Payal Arora

From Pessimism to Promise on Bridging the Gaps A Portal for Curious Minds

The news about emerging technologies often sounds alarming as well as discouraging. Headlines talk about how algorithms control and oppress people. There are fears that AI could harm democracy, damage our social connections, or even cause human extinction. While these fears come from real concerns, it’s also important to recognize the good that technology offers. For young people, tech can provide a unique space for self-growth. In her book “From Pessimism to Promise: Lessons from the Global South on Designing Inclusive Tech”, award-winning author professor Payal Arora shares a different perspective, especially outside the Western world, where most young people live. In these places, there’s a wave of optimism about technology, especially among marginalized groups. These users see hope in the possibilities that new tech brings. In this episode of Bridging the Gaps, I speak with professor Payal Arora.

Payal Arora is a digital anthropologist, consultant, TEDx speaker, and the award-winning author. She is a Professor of Inclusive AI Cultures at Utrecht University and is the cofounder of FemLab, a feminist initiative focused on the future of work.

We begin by exploring how emerging technologies are transforming education in the Global South in positive ways. These changes are not just reshaping traditional systems but also offering new opportunities that bring hope to more people and foster greater inclusivity. Next, we emphasize the importance of context when evaluating and discussing these new technologies. A one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work; instead, the impact of technology can vary greatly depending on cultural, social, and economic circumstances. Take the example of privacy—what privacy means and how it is valued can shift dramatically when considered in different contexts. In some communities, privacy concerns might revolve around data security, while in others, it may be more about social visibility or personal safety. This makes it essential to examine technologies through a local lens.

We also delve into the concept of the Global South, both as a geographical term and as a mindset. While the Global South refers to countries typically in Latin America, Africa, Asia, and parts of the Middle East, it is also much more than just a place on the map. It represents a way of thinking and living, shaped by shared histories of colonialism, economic challenges, and rapid adaptation to global forces. It is a concept rich with multiple contexts, where resilience and innovation are key themes.

Finally, we explore the sense of hope and optimism that emerging technologies bring to the Global South. In these regions, technology is often seen not as a threat but as a tool for empowerment. People are embracing digital advancements with excitement, seeing them as opportunities to overcome obstacles and build a better future. This contagious optimism is fueled by the ability to leapfrog over outdated systems, creating new paths for social progress, economic growth, and personal empowerment.

Complement this discussion with “Kendall Square and the Making of a Global Innovation Hub” with Robert Buderi And then listen to “The Good-Enough Life” with Dr Avram Alpert.

By |October 3rd, 2024|Future, Knowledge, Social Science, Technology|

“The Good-Enough Life” with Dr Avram Alpert

The Good-Enough Life on Bridging the Gaps

We live in a society driven by a relentless pursuit of greatness, where we are constantly pushed to attain the highest levels of wealth, power, and fame. This relentless fixation on greatness leads to stress and anxiety, strains our interpersonal connections, fosters extensive political and economic disparities, and contributes to the deterioration of our natural environment. In his book “The Good-Enough Life” author and educator Avram Alpert explores the idea of whether embracing our limitations could pave the way to a more satisfying existence and a more harmonious society. He explains why the relentless pursuit of competition within our social structure ultimately yields no real advantages for anyone and offers a vision of an alternative way of life—an inclusive, good-enough life for all. In this episode of Bridging the Gaps I speak with Dr Avram Alpert

Dr Avram Alpert is a writer and teacher. He has worked at Princeton and Rutgers Universities, and is currently a research fellow at the New Institute in Hamburg. His work has appeared in publications such as the New York Times, the Washington Post, and Aeon.

We begin our conversation by discussing the concept of ‘Good-Enough,’ a central theme in the book. Following that, we explore the notion of ‘greatness.’ In particular, I engage Dr. Avram Alpert in a conversation about his perspective on the achievements of individuals who attain success and fame through their dedication and hard work. We also talk about people who have done great things and made society better. Then our discussion shifts toward the idea of fostering a more equitable and just society, emphasising the potential benefits of reduced competition among individuals. We explore the possibility of a society where each person can rediscover a sense of purpose and meaning, and have their material and emotional needs met.

Complement this discussion with Reclaiming Human Intelligence and “How to Stay Smart in a Smart World” with Prof. Gerd Gigerenzer and then listen to Cloud Empires: Governing State-like Digital Platforms and Regaining Control with Professor Vili Lehdonvirta

By |September 2nd, 2023|Philosophy, Podcasts, Social Science|